Commitment is about doing whatever it takes.—Anonymous

Where Does "Reboisasi" Come From?

Thursday, November 30, 2006

This one goes for Andre

Just type reboisasi in Google (or Yahoo!, whichever you prefer) and get ready for thousands of results coming up. I myself found 75,000 from and 74,900 from, and all of them are Indonesian sites. Said earlier you wondered where the word comes from, right?

Simply by looking at the form it has, it's normal to guess this one is from English. Let's see, the suffix –isasi must be derived from –tion (altering a noun from a process), right? And the prefix re– must mean repetition, okay? So why not type reboisation now. How many will we get?

Only 62? Whoa, it can't be that then. Maybe we mistyped it. What about reboitation? Looks more English, yes?

Err... only 24? Can't be that too, then.

Geez. How come the stupid American and English people never heard of anything about “the process of restoring and recreating areas of woodlands or forest that once existed but were deforested”?

(The stupid was me. They call it reforestation there!)

Well, it's crystal clear that both reboisation and reboitation are only fictitious words made up by Indonesian. I bet you agree we Indonesian are real good at it, hahahah. And you know what... I silently typed reboisasion and found 22 pages indeed. All of them are from ITB Bandung. What a shame.

Anyway, back to our mission.

If not English, so where does reboisasi really come from? I am beginning to get scared now. I have heard about that word ever since I was in elementary school. I was trained to say it quickly with no-thinking whenever my teacher asked us about what we should do about our forests (you did the same, I believe). I must get it. I don't want to die before knowing where the hell we imported the word from :)

So I crossed my finger and checked for reforestation on Wikipedia. I was hoping I would see something helpful. As helpful as it can get, I came across this bottom-left box titled “in other language”. Oh yeah.

You know what happened when I ran the cursor over “Dutch”? I get to know that they call it aufforstung in Netherlands. And you know what happened when I ran the cursor over “French”?

I get to know that they call it... Eureka. Look what we've got here.

Well then, regarding the similarity and me being a dumb-ass, I'd say it's French. Reboisasi is derived from reboisement (don't bother to ask me how to pronounce it). Bois means wood. Apparently investment is not the only word we imported and treated bad. Reboisement too, from –ment become –isasi. But nah, I'm sure you're not surprised.

PS. I am now a bit suspicious we import that investasi word from them, too.

  1. Result for reboisasi on
  2. Result for reboisasi on
  3. Result for reboisation on
  4. Result for reboitation on
  5. Result for reboisasion on
  6. Affixation on Wikipedia
  7. List of English suffixes on Wikipedia
  8. Reforestation on Wikipedia
  9. Reboisement on Wikipedia
  10. Investissement on Wikipedia
  11. Bois on Wikipedia

29 Komentar:

Blogger Beni Suryadi »
01 December, 2006 07:25  

keren bos..
cuma ralat buat result no2 salah tuh.

btw baru kepikiran gw tentnag yang beginian, hehee

Blogger zute »
01 December, 2006 08:39  

dapat ide darimana lagi nih, salut...
makan apa sih tiap hari?

Blogger ikram »
01 December, 2006 09:01  

Oh iya salah! Udah dibetulkan nih. Terimakasih ya Ben!

Zute, antara lain ya dari para pengunjung ini :)

Blogger ikram »
01 December, 2006 09:03  

Loh kok sekarang jadi 76,300 ya? Kemaren cuma 74,900.

Blogger ANDRE »
01 December, 2006 12:08  

akhirnya terjawab sudah...

tengkyu, tengkyu...

Anonymous Anonymous »
01 December, 2006 15:52  

bukannya emang banyak ya kata berbahasa indonesia serapan dari luar negeri? hanya saja kita ga peduli dan ga pengen tau.

bahkan ada loh kata serapan dari bahasa turki.

wah, ikram akhir-akhir ini lagi jadi kritikus bahasa ya? bageusss...

btw soal sapa-menyapa, kan waktu itu gua udah nyapa elu di bawah tangga... kok bisa-bisanya elu bilang gua ga nyapa? :(

ya sud sud.. sampai ketemu lagi di labtek biru, haha :)

Blogger Gombang »
01 December, 2006 16:18  

Angka hasil Google itu berubah-ubah kok. Gak usah dibahas angka eksaknya :)

Anonymous Anonymous »
01 December, 2006 18:17  

Kram mau usul : .

Stlh baca2 bulan november 2006
jd kepikiran..

kayanya bagus deh kl tiap bulan ada temanya..
ga mesti 1 tema, bs 2, 3, dst..
tp dikit aja..

Mungkin btknya bs ky gini:
november 2006 tata bahasa

nantinya akan mempermudah
"para pembaca setia"
dlm memilih tema yg kami sukai..
(abiiss, byk bgt,, tp asli KEREN bro!!)

Semoga bermanfaat.. =)

-a pal-
(member of Ikram Fans Club)

Blogger ikram »
01 December, 2006 18:59  

Andre: Sama-sama semoga bermanfaat. Ada pertanyaan lagi? Hehe.

Rime: Betul, memang banyak. Tapi soal "reboisasi" ini menarik. Kirain dari bahasa Inggris ternyata bukan. Makanya jadi aneh-aneh. Reboisation lah, dsb.

Maksud gua itu ngobrol agak lama dikit.. Bukan cuma sekilas kaya waktu itu. Btw masih ada sisa oleh2 dari Bali kah? :)

Gombang: Heeh gua baru sadar angkanya pasti berubah terus. Dodol garut.

Halo A Pal, kemana aja? Makasih usulnya. Tapi itu baru terasa manfaatnya kalo tiap bulan ada banyak tulisan. Padahal saya kan...

Semuanya, terimakasih ya.

Blogger ANDRE »
01 December, 2006 22:56  

rime said...
"wah, ikram akhir-akhir ini lagi jadi kritikus bahasa ya? bageusss..."

Akhir2 ini????
Dari dulu gue sebangku juga udah gitu...

Setahu gue ya...

Nggak tahu sebelum itu.

Blogger Kamojima »
02 December, 2006 01:20  

Emang bahasa kita campur aduk ya, tapi menurut gue, yg sudah terjadi biarlah terjadi...

Blogger Kamojima »
02 December, 2006 01:26  

Wah Ikram jumawa :D

Blogger Kamojima »
02 December, 2006 01:32  

Oseanografi(bener nggak kram, takut salah...) gimana???
Masing2 dari kita sepertinya tidak menikmati jurusan masing2...

Blogger ikram »
02 December, 2006 10:04  

Masing2 dari kita sepertinya tidak menikmati jurusan masing2...

Uhuk uhuk!

Blogger ANDRE »
02 December, 2006 10:27  


Anonymous Anonymous »
03 December, 2006 07:15  

hahaha.. very interesting posting indeed!!! :)

Blogger ikram »
03 December, 2006 16:21  

Andre, "KENA DEEH!" juga? Hahah.

Syukron, Mel.

Anonymous Anonymous »
03 December, 2006 20:58  

WOW! rajin nian ^_^
nice site, ku-link boleh ga?

numpang tanya deh, ada ga sih aturan tentang penghilangan huruf untuk menghasilkan makna yang lain, misalnya jenis-jenis 'pekerjaan'/keahlian di bidang tertentu (aku sering dengar orang bilang biolog, geolog, sosiolog, ekonom, planolog, dll). ataukah itu bentuk akhiran (-log???)? padahal bahasa inggrisnya kan pake -ist misal biologist, geologist,sociologist, economist, planologist, tapi kalo kita terjemahin biologis, geologis, sosiologis, atau ekonomis, artinya lain.

atau adakah biologiwan, dsb?
penasaran aja sih

Blogger ANDRE »
03 December, 2006 22:34  

nah, itu tuh...

chemist = kimiawan ???

Anonymous Anonymous »
04 December, 2006 12:33  

'kemana aja?'
biasa,, nyari duit buat anak-istri.. =)
Nah, skrg pas istirahat jd tambah jadwal baru deh..
"ngeliat blog-nya Ikram".. hehe3

Oya Kram,
mau nanya dong..

Ikram kan tinggal di Depok,
katanya DPRD dan PEMDA Depok ga akur2 tuh..
sampe akhirnya Ka DPRD bilang kalo Walikota-nya korup..
Yg menarik, status Ka DPRD Depok adalah "Tahanan"..

Bagus tuh kalo buat tulisan
"Maling Teriak Maling"..

Tanggapannya jgn cuma bilang, 'bagus tu usulnya' ya Kram..

Semoga ditindaklanjuti oleh Ikram.. krn tar bakal jd tulisan yg enak dibaca.. kan yg nulis Ikram.. =)

-a pal-
(pembaca setia)

Anonymous Anonymous »
04 December, 2006 12:40  

Kram, numpang iklan..

Besok, Selasa-Rabu, 5-6 Des 2006
bakal ada "Astra Day" di ITB..

Dateng yah.. =)

- a pal-

Anonymous Anonymous »
06 December, 2006 09:57  

yg di atas cuman iklan doang Kram..
aku ga ikut ke Bandung.. =)

Tp, weekend bulan2 ini bakal sering ke Bdg..
ngurusin persiapan pameran mobil di Bdg..

-a pal-

Anonymous Anonymous »
08 December, 2006 12:24  

wah ikram punya fans club ya?

Blogger ikram »
08 December, 2006 20:01  

Halo Nadya, setahu aku sih, itu gara-gara perbedaan penjajah (hehe). Kalau Belanda memang cuma sampe -log. Tapi Inggris (penjajah baru kita, paling tidak dari segi bahasa) mereka pake -logist.

Indonesia pernah pake -wan/wati tapi kurang bergaung ya sekarang.

Solusi lainnya, masuklah program studi geografi (geografer) atau fotografi (fotografer). Atau seperti saya, oseanografi :D

Blogger ikram »
08 December, 2006 20:03  

A Pal, aku nggak tahu apa-apa soal Depok, kecuali banyak bangunan baru di pinggir Margonda. Sip deh, kalau ke Bandung, kabari ya.

Rime, fans club naon. Da itu mah paling cuma iseng :)

Blogger Unknown »
16 August, 2010 10:26  

nice article, ikram

9 of 10 Indonesian words was taken from foreign languages, so they say indeed.

maybe Indonesian language needs to get "reboisation" too, I mean reboisment. :)

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