Commitment is about doing whatever it takes.—Anonymous

When white becomes black

Monday, August 03, 2009

So VIVAnews has translated a PerthNow’s story about some Australian expatriates in Jakarta having a breakfast tribute at the recently bombed JW Marriott hotel (to show the world “they are not afraid”).

Unfortunately, translating is not the only thing VIVAnews did to the story.

This is one of the paragraphs of the original:
Those attending the morning gathering on Sunday wore red and white ribbons on their chests to show their determination that life in Indonesia will not change.
It is translated into:
Para peserta mengenakan pita merah dan hitam di dada mereka, sebagai simbol kebulatan tekad bahwa kehidupan mereka tak akan berubah gara-gara aksi teroris brutal. Mereka bertekad tetap tinggal dan berbisnis di Indonesia.
I think it’s totally okay to translate a story. But to change the fact? It’s totally not okay dude...

11 Komentar:

Blogger Kamojima »
04 August, 2009 11:37  

set dah yg tadinya seharusnya nasionalis bisa jadi pitch-black crispy and bloody gitu... parah

Blogger ikram »
04 August, 2009 14:17  

Parah memang :(

Anonymous agn »
05 August, 2009 08:03  

jadi melebih-lebihkan gitu ya Kram? Isinya jadi beda banget.

Blogger ikram »
05 August, 2009 09:23  

Nggak tahu terjemahannya "White" sih Gun ... Hehehe.

Perlu proofreader banget euy..

Blogger sihirsenja »
07 August, 2009 16:00  

nemu aja lu kram..

Anonymous Anonymous »
07 August, 2009 16:26  

mungkin reporternya dateng ke acara peringatan hari aids kram. :P

Anonymous raie »
07 August, 2009 20:05  


*melirik ke ikram...*


Anonymous sineng »
21 August, 2009 20:04  

Mungkin white is the new black..

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