Sorry David I Can't Meet You
Friday, July 25, 2008
Why oh why are you coming so early?
Please come back in 3-5 years.
I promise I will come to your show.
Photo taken from Dondy.
Thanks before, dude.
Please come back in 3-5 years.
I promise I will come to your show.
Photo taken from Dondy.
Thanks before, dude.
17 Komentar:
itu pasti mahal banget ya kram tiketnya.
"Why oh why are you coming so early?"
kram, kalimat itu boleh kuterjemahin gini gak? -->
"kenapa oh kenapa kamu ejakulasi dini?"
hihihi.. *lagi pingin iseng :D
Iya Bat, sayang duitnya.
Arif, cepatlah menikah Nak. Hahahhaa.
Dude, it's best for you to just enjoy "The Dark Knight" to relief your misery by skipping the Benoit-guy-show. Atau nonton konsernya Ananda Sukarlan mau? Gw punya akses ke konsernya dia. Let me know ya, dude?
kapan coldplay ke solo, ya?
*on a delusional realm of thinking*
Bapak Ikram Putra, saya minta tolong bapak untuk mencari kandidat manager kampanye saya untuk RI-2 2009-2014.
Pengumuman selanjutnya harap e-mail saya di patas1975@gmail,,, atau sms saya.
Terima kasih, pak Ikram.
Wow.berselera tinggi
hm...kapan ya ryan -si pembunuh berantai- ke solo? hehehe.
Tono: Indeed I've watched The Dark Knight and wasn't amazed as much as you are. It's a bad movie. Wondering why many people like it and why so serious?
Puspa: Sabar... Sabar..
Tono: Oke ditunggu emailnya :P
Azhar: Selera tinggi? Hehehe. Nggak kok, gua cuma suka lagu-lagunya aja. Akrab di telinga!
Dian: Are you serious? Why so serious?
Hmm, The Dark Night jauh lebih bagus daripada film superhero lain ah Kram-apalagi Hulk, hehehehe.
Btw, David itu siapa sih? Penyanyi?
Itu siapa ya Kram? Hahaha. Tapi pasti mahal dan berkelas.
Wah, mainannya Ikram.. Berkelas.
:) hihi,
Hehehe... Looks like we're on the opposite side of film reviews ya, kram? Ora po2. Hmmm... omong2 tentang Coldplay, daku juga penasaran kapan mereka mau manggung di Indonesia? But judging from their stream which is in line with U2, R.E.M. and Green Day, Coldplay won't be coming here until the Indonesian government improves its stance on the human rights issue. It's all part of the plan. Makanya: Believe in Patria Asmara: RI-2 2009-2014. Together we can restore Indonesia. Amen.
Ou yeah..
Viva la Vida..
Apdeet, apdeet.. Ayok apdeeettt.. APDEEETT..
Serious, Ryan is! Great! Fantastic! Hahaha. He killed people calmly...what a man!
ps: saking herannya Kram...nyusahin orang aja mikir2, tu bunuh orang kayak dolanan.hehe
Lagi pgn ketemu si changcuters dulu lah...level indonesia dulu.
Panic at the disco juga!!!!
DwiEl juga!!!
Naik gunung juga!!!
Saving money!!!
denger2 konsernya agak kosong..