With Every Difficulty There Is Relief
Friday, July 18, 2008
I don’t really care what the name of this little influential thing controlling my life is: The power of positive-thinking? The law of attraction? The mystery of life? The plan from the big guy up there?
The fate?
All I know is that I just have to work my ass so damn hard I could earn some money to pay for school. And to make a living. And to start a family. But first, of course, to buy a new laptop :P
So whenever I’m amazed at where I am now and what I'm facing, I just simply keep saying to myself that powerful quote:
“With every difficulty there is relief”
And done. Time to get back to work.
The fate?
All I know is that I just have to work my ass so damn hard I could earn some money to pay for school. And to make a living. And to start a family. But first, of course, to buy a new laptop :P
So whenever I’m amazed at where I am now and what I'm facing, I just simply keep saying to myself that powerful quote:
“With every difficulty there is relief”
And done. Time to get back to work.
18 Komentar:
congrat for new laptop,..
u know what, 1 year- i do what u have done, Bro..but i could not buy it yet :(
Wish on next semester :D
I haven't bought it yet, still no money. So let's wish together :D
Al-Insyirah ya, Kram?
Good thought.
actually, I want to help you with the praying, but which one do you prefer, a Mac, Vaio, Compaq?
i assumed the same to, jal.
kram, count me in. =)
iya kram, setuju ama ikazain. ternyata kutipan itu ada di 94 (5-6).
Thanks for the info, Ika and Arif. Have just found it out :)
Benx: Okay you're counted in.
gila kraaaam. ngeri, daku aja yang anak ic gak tau...
al-insyirah ya?
bersama kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan
my fave quote. it does work.
alhamdulilah...laptop dah kebeli...??hehehe..
Oooo.. beli leptop baru toh...
Kalo bisa pinjem,ya belinya nanti dulu...
Ah lo kurang Cendikia berarti Ray, kalo sampe nggak tahu..
Dian, I like it too. Maybe it's guaranteed to work? :)
*Pura-pura ga baca komentar Odie.
*Pura-pura ga baca komentar Ade.
Azhar: Iya, kalo bisa pinjem nanti-nanti aja belinya.
And to make a living. And to start a family.
jadi kapan memulai keluarganya?
Nice quote! :D
kramput tdk sedang ngaji bahasa enggres tapi berpolitik: bersama sby-jk kita bisa kesulitan.
Laptop baru nih. Congrats! Tapi jangan pakai Operating System dan Office Applications bajakan ya, kram? Sayang laptop-nya. In the long run, it will slowly deteriorate.
Ay...ay...ay... ayam den lapeh. Where have you been, bro? Looks like you and Esther passed the opportunity to be campaign managers. Oh, well... some other time then. Mine goes on.