Busway users have their say
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Adisti Sukma Sawitri and Ikram Putra
The Jakarta Post/Jakarta
While motorists point their fingers at the busway as the major cause of traffic jams, passengers still find the administration-sponsored mode of transportation their long-awaited savior.
During a discussion on the busway service, a group of its regular passengers and supporters from mailing list suaratransjakarta@yahoogroups.com said the mounting public protests had undermined the buses' main role as the best mass transportation mode in the city.
David Tjahjana, a regular passenger of Pulo Gadung-Dukuh Atas corridor, said he still found the service the most reliable form of transportation from his house in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, to his office in Central Jakarta.
"The administration only focuses on network expansion without paying attention to the service. This has made everything worse," he said.
David, who leaves his car at home to use the busway, said people should allow room for improvement for the Transjakarta operator before jumping to the conclusion the busway system was not suitable for the city.
Another mailing list member, Lita, said although she is a regular passenger of Blok M-Kota corridor, she still had to use the regular bus to get to her office in Tomang, West Jakarta, since the designated busway lane that passed the area, Harmoni-Kalideres corridor, was always crowded.
"Please add more buses in the corridor and build more corridors so I could become a true busway passenger," she said.
Lita, who lives in Cinere, South Jakarta, said she takes a regular bus to Blok M terminal, as there are no busway feeder buses near her house.
Suaratransjakarta currently has 817 members.
The busway network expansion has stripped road lanes on major thoroughfares and caused more traffic jams. Meanwhile, busway operator Transjakarta seems to have neglected its service.
Passengers are required to wait almost half an hour in a crowded shelter just to get on an overcrowded bus.
In light of mounting protests, the administration has allowed regular motorists to use the busway's exclusive lanes in 55 locations during rush hours as of last week.
Poor monitoring and coordination between police officers and the Transportation Agency, however, has seen regular motorists use the lanes in other locations and outside of peak hours.
Transjakarta infrastructure manager, Taufik Adiwianto, said regular motorists using the exclusive busway lanes and congestion at several traffic intersections were the two main causes of long waiting times (headway) in the busway shelters.
"Regular motorists were using the exclusive lanes long before the policy came into effect ... this is what saw us struggle to maintain an ideal headway (of less than 5 minutes)," he said.
The Jakarta Post/Jakarta
While motorists point their fingers at the busway as the major cause of traffic jams, passengers still find the administration-sponsored mode of transportation their long-awaited savior.
During a discussion on the busway service, a group of its regular passengers and supporters from mailing list suaratransjakarta@yahoogroups.com said the mounting public protests had undermined the buses' main role as the best mass transportation mode in the city.
David Tjahjana, a regular passenger of Pulo Gadung-Dukuh Atas corridor, said he still found the service the most reliable form of transportation from his house in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, to his office in Central Jakarta.
"The administration only focuses on network expansion without paying attention to the service. This has made everything worse," he said.
David, who leaves his car at home to use the busway, said people should allow room for improvement for the Transjakarta operator before jumping to the conclusion the busway system was not suitable for the city.
Another mailing list member, Lita, said although she is a regular passenger of Blok M-Kota corridor, she still had to use the regular bus to get to her office in Tomang, West Jakarta, since the designated busway lane that passed the area, Harmoni-Kalideres corridor, was always crowded.
"Please add more buses in the corridor and build more corridors so I could become a true busway passenger," she said.
Lita, who lives in Cinere, South Jakarta, said she takes a regular bus to Blok M terminal, as there are no busway feeder buses near her house.
Suaratransjakarta currently has 817 members.
The busway network expansion has stripped road lanes on major thoroughfares and caused more traffic jams. Meanwhile, busway operator Transjakarta seems to have neglected its service.
Passengers are required to wait almost half an hour in a crowded shelter just to get on an overcrowded bus.
In light of mounting protests, the administration has allowed regular motorists to use the busway's exclusive lanes in 55 locations during rush hours as of last week.
Poor monitoring and coordination between police officers and the Transportation Agency, however, has seen regular motorists use the lanes in other locations and outside of peak hours.
Transjakarta infrastructure manager, Taufik Adiwianto, said regular motorists using the exclusive busway lanes and congestion at several traffic intersections were the two main causes of long waiting times (headway) in the busway shelters.
"Regular motorists were using the exclusive lanes long before the policy came into effect ... this is what saw us struggle to maintain an ideal headway (of less than 5 minutes)," he said.
25 Komentar:
gw yang pertama ngasih komentar..
anyway.. monorail kapan dibangun???
Busway tetap perlu, memang saat pembangunan jalan "menjadi semrawut" (seperti saat koridor Ragunan dibangun...tapi kalau udah selesai tentu lebih nyaman. Masalahnya, bagaimana agar pengendara mobil pribadi beralih ke angkutan umum (parkir dimahalkan??)...
Atau bisa menggunakan taksi, tapi Pemda mesti menindak taksi yang tak beres, hanya taksi yang benar yang boleh beroperasi. Karena tak berani nyopir, saya dulu selalu naik taksi, pulang kantor jam 11 malam pun tak masalah, naik taksi merk apapun...Sekarang?? Mendingan naik busway, Kopaja, angkot, bajay daripada naik taksi selain BB, karena keamanan tak terjamin.
Dan tentu saja tak boleh ada sepeda motor yang nyerobot jalur busway.
Mungkin seharusnya Pemda juga harus sering-sering melakukan penyadaran ke masyarakat utk beralih ke angkutan umum.. jadi ngga cuma ngebangun doank !! masyarakat juga harus disiapkan utk bisa membudayakan naik angkot..
Busway sudah menjadi kebutuhan yg mendesak bagi kota Jakarta. Sayangnya, Jakarta sudah terlalu padat untuk menerima aktivitas pembangunan jalur busway di tengah jalan yang memperparah kemacetan. Yap, pembangunan sarana umum semacam busway/monorel sudah agak terlambat mulainya sehingga menuai protes dari masyarakat. Kalo subway, sudah ga mungkin lagi dibuat deh.
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Untuk orang Bandung yang malas menyetir di Jakarta seperti gw ini, busway adalah penyelamat hidup ^^
kalo ada busway/feeder busway yang berangkat dari depan rumah gue, baru deh gue setuju kalo busaway itu solusi mengatasi kemacetan
kram tempo buka lowongan tuh.
Saya kira kita semua sepakat bahwa busway bisa mengatasi kemacetan, seperti yang terjadi di Bogota sana.
Tapi tentu busway sebagai sistem, bukan seperti yang sekarang :)
wadow..my english is not good enough..so i can't understand well..kurasa si busway ini ada 2 sisi : positif dan negatif..jadi diambil baik nya, ya tengah2 aja..hehehehe
salam perjuangan,
Di Bogota pun, kalo ga salah *CMIIW* butuh waktu 10-15 tahun setelah busway beroperasi untuk membuat lalu lintas menjadi nyaman. So, skrg sih gw sangat mendukung busway walaupun banyak juga yang mengecam. Kita lihat saja beberapa tahun lagi. Kalau maintainance-nya bener pasti busway bakal sangat membantu Jakarta yang semrawut ini. -pendatang baru yg mengadu nasib di jkt,hehe..-
Pengalaman saya sendiri...
Hampir satu jam menunggu bus, tapi semua yang datang kelewat penuh...
Tampaknya perlu ditelaah lagi, seefektif apa sistem 'busway' ini?
Bagaimana kalau sistem yang ada saja diperbarui, misalnya penertiban jumlah dan kualitas bis kota dan pengendalian jumlah mobil yang boleh digunakan...
dasar orang indonesia gak kenal proses.. mau langsung enak aja..
gw pribadi berpendapat kalo sistem busway ataupun sistem mass transport lain yang bakalan di pake bisa ngebantu banyak buat ngatasin permasalahan kemacetan di kota besar, terutama jakarta.
tapiiiii... butuh proses... nggak skali jadi kayak doraemon..
emang sih, buat yang dah biasa nyaman pake mobil gak macet. jadi macet gara2 ada pembangunan jalur busway. tapi coba pikir gimana rasanya jadi orang kayak gw yang gak punya kendaraan pribadi. enak banget naik busway, gak macet, pake ac, gak pake ngetem, rasio jarak ama tarif yang sangat menguntungkan. (bayangin aja.. gw dari cililitan ampe stasiun kota cuma bayar 3500).. hihihi..
ah.. jadi gw malah posting disini.. bukan di blog gw.. wkwkwk..
kalo yang ditanya yang pada naik mobil mulus, ya banyak yang nggak setuju busway.
tapi kalo yang ditanya orang-orang yang pada keringetan basah kuyup naik kopaja, akan lebih seneng kalo di daerahnya segera dibangun busway.
termasuk saya, nunggu2 kapan busway lewat pasar kebayoran lama :)
kram batari selingkuh :D
Sarana diimprove terus dan sistem diperbaiki. Kalo sarana lebih jelas karena akan langsung dilihat oleh masyarakat. Kl sistem yg lebih 'complicated' berhubung hal tersebut akan menyangkut sistem pemda DKI Jakarta yang notabene jg masih semrawut. Butuh proses, itu benar, tp ada yg lebih penting menurut gw yaitu 'dukungan dan peran aktif masyarakat itu sendiri'. Dukungan dlm melihat hal ini sebagai sebuah proses kearah yg lebih baik dan peran aktif dalam memperbaiki sistem itu sendiri. Thanks
i denno, menurut gw ada cara yang lebih efektif. seperti pengaturan sistem transportasi di Jakarta. Bus yang ada dipernyaman dan diharuskan berhenti di halte yang ada. Itukan konsep busway?
Mending duitnya buat bangun Monorail.. lebih berguna..
Kram, you didn't use capital letter on the title? So this is your first writing, hah? ;-)
No it's not, Zak :)
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