Commitment is about doing whatever it takes.—Anonymous

Old Town makeover off to a rocky start

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Evi Mariani and Ikram Putra
The Jakarta Post/Jakarta

It seems like a bad omen. The city's Old Town revitalization project was mired in conflicts of interest between the city and locals even before the project's soft launching on Sept. 30 this year.

To launch the grand project, the city began revitalizing the central part of the 846-hectare "Old Town": Fatahillah Square, a 1.5-hectare plot of land in front of the Jakarta Historical Museum.

The Fatahillah project was overseen by the head of the museum and cultural agency, Aurora Tambunan, in partnership with a foundation chaired by Miranda Goeltom, Jakarta Old Town Kotaku (JOK).

First to bear the brunt of the project were the usual victims of urban redevelopment in Indonesia: the poor and the informal sector, in this case street vendors around Fatahillah Square.

Second to be affected were the more well-off, businesspeople around Fatahillah and Glodok, who experienced the impacts from the closure of a street next to the square. The closure worsened traffic jams and hurt businesses.

To beautify Fatahillah Square, the city evicted 90 street vendors from the square in August, and relocated them to a nearby street.

"They moved not far from here, but I heard reports that sales had decreased to a third of their usual earnings," the head of the vendor community, Rohadi Kusumah, said.

Street vendors selling beverages, snacks, food and clothing depend on pedestrians, from the north to Kota train station and the Kota busway terminal, and employees from businesses around the square including the post office.

Urban planners said the vendors did not sell any unique items or services, however the location was vital to their revenue and moving them has considerably hurt their business.

The Fatahillah vendors were relocated to Jl. Kunir, not far from their original location, but a much quieter area, Rohadi said.

"Furthermore, this is only a temporary move ... we will have four options, including moving to Pluit in North Jakarta and Jembatan Lima in West Jakarta. Vendors have said all four options are undesirable due to distance," he said.

Tambunan confirmed the city would move street vendors to the four locations, adding there were no plans to integrate them with the Old Town project.

"We understand we don't meet sanitation and health standards, but we can and are ready to cooperate. Tourists who come here are bound to be thirsty after a walking tour. They may wish to have a snack or try some local coffee," Rohadi said.

"Why doesn't the city help (vendors) ... who have run business here for many years to set up clean stalls."

"We don't mind paying rent."

When reporters asked Aurora about any master plan for street vendors and other workers from the informal sector within the Old Town area, she said there was none, except to relocate them to the best place, to be chosen by the city.

"They invited us to meetings but we did not have much to say to them ... so we just accepted the plans," Rohadi said.

Unlike Fatahillah's street vendors, no meetings were held for formal businesses regarding the partial closure of Jl. Pintu Besar Utara.

In response to the city's decision, the Old Town Community comprising 200 businesspeople around Glodok expressed their complaints to the press.

"We did not oppose the (redevelopment) plan, but they never asked for our opinion about the street closure and now we have to suffer the impact," Jacky, the deputy chairman of the community, said.

He said at least two members of the community had reported a plunge in revenue including owners of a cafe and a nightclub.

"One of them even had to close their doors recently. No customers went there anymore because their cars couldn't enter the street and they didn't want to park further away due to security risks," Jakcky said.

Some nightclubs in the area provide discreet parking on their property for some customers. Parking outside is not desirable for some customers, sources said.

"Sales of electronics goods have also been slightly hurt ... since congestion worsened with the construction of a pedestrian underpass near Kota railway station. It's becoming even worse now," Jacky said.

"The city should remember, we are the first-class taxpayers here."

In response to complaints published in several local newspapers, on Oct. 10 Aurora invited stakeholders to discuss the issue at a hotel in Central Jakarta.

The discussion turned into a heated debate when stakeholders, including businessman Jacky and Noersaijidi from the city's heritage preservation board, who had previously been left out of the project planning, raised their objections bluntly.

Aurora, accompanied by her deputy and consultants from the Center for Urban Design Studies, were unable to provide satisfactory answers to many questions and the debate continued outside the hotel.

Some invitees suggested the city present a master plan at a public event to make room for suggestions and comments.

Aurora, however, would not commit to such a plan.

Revitalizing the Old Town has been a dream for many people: Architects, heritage buffs, historians and even many ordinary Jakartans who are bored with shopping malls. Inviting participation of as many stakeholders as the city could is the key to a revitalized area.

22 Komentar:

Blogger Leksa »
30 October, 2007 15:05  

better to give some footage from your side opinion on articles that you post here.. :)

Anonymous Anonymous »
30 October, 2007 19:39  

duh gak ngerti

Blogger Fatah »
30 October, 2007 20:38  

wihhh si Ikram makin hebat aja nih... kamaren masuk nominasi Pesta blogger ! sekarang masuk Jakarta Post :) Selamat Ya !!

Blogger ikram »
30 October, 2007 20:56  

Leksa, side opinion like what?

Mas Ari, sama! Hehehe.

Fatah, terimakasih! Kapan2 saya mau masuk Aceh ah.

Blogger turabul-aqdam »
30 October, 2007 23:26  

maksudnye, kram.. side opinion tuh kaya punya gw itu loh yang pake enbe-enbean..

menggambarkan pandangan pribadi kamu sendiri, biar kami-kami ini bacanya ga serasa baca koran.

hehe.. iya ngga sih?

Blogger Unknown »
30 October, 2007 23:35  

jangan sampe itu-itu aja yang untung. bagi-bagi lah. yang adil. hihihi


Blogger Leksa »
31 October, 2007 10:11  

hmm ...

put IKJ campus on the old town... - kata detik hari ini

Blogger f.dian ardi wulandari »
31 October, 2007 19:53  

"Revitalizing the Old Town has been a dream for many people: Architects, heritage buffs, historians and even many ordinary Jakartans who are bored with shopping malls"
Is it? How about the vendors who were moved to a new place which was, like you said, quieter than their previous place to work?
ps: I do feel as if I am reading a newspaper article. But I think it's not a big deal, since this article was written by you,yourself. It means that your thought has been represented in this article.

Anonymous Anonymous »
01 November, 2007 19:55  

ikram, terus terang gua males baca tulisan berbahasa inggris yang panjang-panjang..

cuman mau komen salut aja sama dirimu..

Blogger Anang »
03 November, 2007 21:31  

aduh bahasa linggris.... mumet aku

Blogger dinda »
03 November, 2007 22:42  

mas jur (jurnalis maksutnya)... serasa bukan baca blog, tapi baca koran...

Blogger ikram »
03 November, 2007 23:11  

Kok gitu ya Din? Mungkin karena ini memang artikel koran yang dipost ke blog ya :P

Mas Anang, hehehe. Extra-bossnya lucu.

Makasih Rim. Gua jg salut sama elo. Produktif!

Dian, of course they would be unhappy, the vendors. They're illegal at the first place aren't they?

Kampus IKJ? Bagian dari Kota Tua?

Iya Van, tegakkan keadilan.

Rif, bagaimana mungkin nggak terasa seperti koran... Lah ini kan memang artikel dari koran...

Blogger mazharfius »
04 November, 2007 08:42  

Aku kalo baca koran biasanya cuma baca judul-judulnya aja tambah kalimat inti beberapa paragraf.
Apalagi kalo pas yang dibaca koran berbahasa inggris. Kata orang itu namanya speed reading, tapi aku ga tau bener atau ga. Kalo mereka (pengguna speed reading) kayaknya sih biar cepet ngerti dengan sedikit waktu tapi kalo aku alasannya biar ga tambah pusing nemu kata-kata susah.

Kayaknya harus disediakan posting versi bahasa indonesianya nih

Blogger f.dian ardi wulandari »
05 November, 2007 07:14  

Sekarang saya mau berkomentar sama cara penulisan Ikram, bukan isinya. Ya...memang mungkin terasa agak membosankan juga sih, membaca blog kamu yang mana merupakan artikel koran. Ditambah lagi berbahasa Inggris, jadi kurang 'merakyat' gitu. Ada sebagian yang ga begitu mengerti bahasa Inggris, ada juga yang mengerti tapi males bacanya. Begitu...Hehehe.
ps:jangan marah ya! Peace , Bro!

Anonymous Anonymous »
05 November, 2007 08:50  


Dari sisi pandangan saya, Jakarta Kota, yang merupakan kota tua, memang indah dan perlu dibenahi, agar bisa menjadi obyek pariwisata. Awalnya memang se-olah2 ada pengorbanan, tapi jangka panjang, baik pemerintah, masyarakat maupun penjual(kaum bisnis) akan mendapatkan keuntungan. Suatu ketika jika Ikram sempat tugas ke LN, lihatlah betapa kota tua sering jadi ajang pariwisata, dan memberikan nilai tambah yang banyak. Memang kita juga harus mulai mendisiplinkan diri kita semua, penjual juga harus disiplin untuk menempati area tertentu, juga para pengendara kendaraan bermotor (saat saya ke museum Fatahillah dengan anakku, lihat di
dan di
yang melawan arus. Kayaknya untuk membuat Jakarta nyaman, indah, berguna untuk keseluruhan penghuninya, perlu dibuat penataan yang komprehensif serta disepakati semua pihak, dan sanksi yang memadai. Saya ingat saat ke Brisbane, yang kotanya begitu indah, ternyata baru mulai dibenahi tahun 1980 an...jika melihat foto2 tahun sebelumnya sangat amburadul. Siapa pencetusnya? Justru kaum muda seperti Ikram dan teman-teman, mereka berikrar, menyingsingkan lengan...dan orangtua hanya membantu dan memberikan dukungan.

Bagaimana Ikram, beranikah kaum muda mulai memikirkan keindahan Jakarta dan sekitarnya (Jabodetabek)...pasti yang tua-tua kayak saya akan mendukungmu.

Blogger 18november »
05 November, 2007 21:15  

center for urban design studies atau apapun itu td terjemahannya pusat studi urban desain bkn kram? kok aneh ya, brhbng dosen2 urban gw selalu menyarankan bt memfasilitasi street vendors itu

Anonymous Anonymous »
06 November, 2007 00:00  

Jadi diterjemahkan, gitu, Zar? Nanti ya kalau sempat..

Sama sekali nggak marah kok Dian :)

Bu Enny, alangkah baiknya jika yang terjadi adalah: orangtua membantu dan memberi dukungan (saja). Tidak ikut cari muka :P

Iya Pi, PSUD. Masalahnya tidak semua rekomendasi PSUD "didengar". Bagi pemerintah, yang paling gampang ya menggusur pedagang kakilima (seperti rektorat gitu).

Masalahnya mereka itu dari pertama ilegal sih. Jadi posisinya lemah, mudah digencet, dan karenanya akan selalu "not happy". Begitu..

Blogger keritiKentang™ »
06 November, 2007 19:37  

pengen kritik..
tp ndak ngerti :(

Blogger raka »
07 November, 2007 08:50  

geez, in english!

tunggu saya menyusul

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