Commitment is about doing whatever it takes.—Anonymous

I like watching the Twilight saga

Friday, August 13, 2010

I like watching the Twilight saga. (I know, sue me)

I'm not a professional movie critic but I think they are good movies; especially in showing how stupid people can be when they are in love :p

When you're in love, life is supposed to feel simpler, more bearable. You know, the sky is bluer, the grass greener, and all those craps are coming true. But that's not the frequent case.

Because you cannot fall in love without immediately become stupid.

Once you're in love and stupid, here's what happens:

Your life becomes more complicated, so damn complicated, you forget how simple it used to be.

Take Bella for example. She's in love with a vampire (not to mention a very old one). Instead of running away for the sake of her life, she asks Edward to turn her into a vampire too, so that they could be together ever after.

How often do you find yourself falling in love with the wrong person? And how frequent do you try to make adjustment, giving up all you have, just to be with him/her?

Often enough?

Now take a look at Edward. Just because he can't read Bella's mind he has this curiosity and sudden urge to be around her and protect her, which later he defines as "love" (I know, yikes right?)

How often do you find yourself falling for someone for a wrong reason? And how easy do you fait accompli yourself by defining some awkward feeling as love

Often enough? Well at least you're not alone :)

And let's have a quick look at Jacob. People say he went through a lot of changes but for me not really.

When he was skinny he liked Bella. After he turned all well-built he still likes Bella. He keeps trying to convince Bella that spending the rest of her life with a half-time wolf is better than a full-time vampire.

Do you still remember the last time you were being a supporting actor/actress and hoped that soon you'd become the protagonist in your own "movie"? Or perhaps you still remember how hard you tried and convinced someone that you were better than the one he/she was seeing?

I enjoy watching each and every stupidity the Twilight saga are showing (things got more fun and complicated in the second and third movie).

Personally, I don't have the knowledge on what to do or say when I'm in love.

But watching the Twilight saga at least gives me the knowledge on what NOT to do or say when in love :)

PS. If you still wanna sue me, make sure you're not in love or else I'll win easily.

27 Komentar:

Blogger Gombang »
13 August, 2010 14:47  

Oh. My. Goat. *groan*

Blogger ikram »
13 August, 2010 15:52  

Bisa juga ngetik lumayan panjang pake qwerty cellphone. Yeay!

Blogger None »
13 August, 2010 20:08  

Gue belom nonton yg kedua ama yg ketiga. Hmmmmm #minumdarah

Anonymous Andre Linting »
14 August, 2010 15:27  

falling in love with the wrong person??
hah! you got me there!!

Anonymous Anonymous »
14 August, 2010 23:05  

Ampun deh, Kram. Hahaha. But good for you, kalau masih bisa menemukan 'kelebihan' film ini. Soalnya waktu nonton gw ketiduran, kecuali pas Jacob buka baju.

Blogger diansubrata »
15 August, 2010 01:32  

Postingan ini bikin Eclipse terlihat seperti film sarat makna dan pendidikan.

Keren banget. Postingannya bukan Eclipse nya.

Salam kenal. #pesertablogwalking

Anonymous ikram »
15 August, 2010 10:40  

@Gombang: Kenapa Mbang? Heheh.

@Nadya: Nonton dong Nad, nyesel lo kalo nggak.

@Andre: Whassup bro? Talk to me hahhahaa.

@Sari: Kalo gua sih, lihat Jacob buka baju sama aja kaya lihat gua buka baju. Gak beda.

@Dian: Terimakasih, salam kenal juga :)

Blogger Gombang »
15 August, 2010 15:58  

Gak apa-apa. Tiba-tiba gue teringat kambing aja.

Anonymous Anonymous »
16 August, 2010 14:12  

Now, you have to teach me, Ikram the love guru.

what are the should/should not?

Blogger sihirsenja »
16 August, 2010 16:32  

don't you noticed that this is the movie about the "common girl"..:
everlasting young, RICH, and being loved...

i was tweeting about this,and mostly girl followers were spurning my tweet..but then they tweet about anti-aging cream hihihii

Anonymous Anonymous »
16 August, 2010 21:40  

Oh my god...
Oh my god...
... but it's okay Kram...
... We're still friends... :D

Blogger dungdangdung »
17 August, 2010 20:16  

belum nonton tiga2nya...

Blogger .diahparamitha. »
18 August, 2010 14:56  

my God..
mau baca bukunya sekalian, gak?

Blogger Floresiana Yasmin »
19 August, 2010 08:57  

*ga bisa berhenti mengikik

Anonymous ilmaffectional »
19 August, 2010 11:56  

wow, this is the coolest review about Twilight that I've ever read!

very 'women are from venus' writing style, which is- very acceptable for us- women, hehe..

anyways, are you in loveeeeee?? adeuuuuww pantes galau mulu..

*kabur lagiiii*

Anonymous Anonymous »
20 August, 2010 20:04  

mendingan AADC kram. dian sastronya lebih cantik daripada yang meranin bella. hahahaha

Blogger ♥DeEquinox♥ »
23 August, 2010 20:55  


Blogger ♥DeEquinox♥ »
23 August, 2010 20:55  

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anonymous Anonymous »
30 August, 2010 17:21  

Ini lucu. Dan cerdas! Hehehehe :)

Anonymous nonadita »
01 September, 2010 19:32  

There are lot more stupidities written on the books. And yes, I collect and read those 4 books hahahaha

Anonymous Anonymous »
09 September, 2010 03:21  

if only this is a wordpress blog, i'm gonna click the 'Like it' button :)

Anonymous Anonymous »
22 December, 2010 05:06  

sae :D

Anonymous Ranna Subhan »
06 February, 2011 08:20  

mendadak prihatin sama Jacob...

apalagi kalo dia lagi buka baju...


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